By Yifan Lu (
This tool will take a PSX image that you legally own and convert it to be playable on the Xperia Play with the emulator extracted from the packaged game "Crash Bandicoot."
If you just want to use the tool, make sure you have Java installed and download the binaries from GitHub (
Open "PSXperiaTool.jar" or the helper script ("psxperiatool-gui" or "psxperiatool-gui-windows.bat") if you cannot open .jar files.
You can also use the helper scripts "psxperiatool" and "psxperiatool-windows.bat" from the command line for command line mode (see below).
After converting, in the output folder that you selected, you'll find an APK file and a "data" folder. Install the APK on your Xperia Play phone and merge the "data" folder with "Android/data" on the SD card of your phone.
For detailed directions, check out the wiki:
To compile, you need to copy the following to the "lib" directory
* apktool.jar from
* commons-io-2.0.1.jar from
* sdklib.jar from Android SDK (under tools/lib)
* swing-layout-1.0.4.jar from Netbeans (under platform/modules/ext)
* jbdiff.jar from
You also need a copy of "aapt" from Android SDK (under platform-tools)
* OSX version named aapt-osx
* Windows version named aapt-windows.exe
* Linux version named aapt-linux
Put these in the "resources" directory
Finally, you need my PSXperia wrapper library (compiled) in the "resources" directory
To run the GUI, use "java -jar PSXperiaTool.jar"
To run the command line tool, use "java -cp PSXperiaTool.jar com.yifanlu.PSXperiaTool.Interface.CommandLine" to see usage directions, which is also listed below for your convenience.
Extract and patch data files
psxperia e[x]tract [-v|--verbose] input.apk input-data.zpak output
[-v|--verbose] Verbose output
input.apk Either or
input-data.zpak Either NCUA94900_1_1.zpak or NCEA00344_1_1.zpak (must match region of APK)
output Directory to extract the files
Convert PSX Image to Xperia Play APK and ZPAK
psxperia [c]onvert [OPTIONS] titleId image.iso output
titleId An unique ID, usually from the game in the format NCXAXXXXX_1
image.iso Input PSX image. Does not have to be an ISO, and valid PSX image will do. You must rip it on your own!
output Directory to output files
Options (unset options will be set to defaults):
-v|--verbose Verbose output, including image creation progress
-D directory Custom location for extracted data files, default is "./data"
--load-xml Load options from Java properties XML
--game-name Name of the game
--description Description of the game
--publisher Publisher of the game
--developer Developer of the game
--icon-file Path to image for icon
--store-type Where to find this title (any string will do)
--analog-mode true|false, Turn on/off analog controls (game must support it).